Donald Braswell II      



Make a Difference in Your World for the Better!  Follow that Dream!

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Giving Back

My mission is to be of service, to improve our world, and help those who cannot help themselves.  Consequently, the majority of my performances are tied to some charity, such as those advocating for the homeless, people with special needs, and neglected and abused children.  As I've stated many times, my gift is not about me or for me.  It is about who can be helped with it.  Below are some of the many organizations that are special to me .  I urge you to get involved in any way you are able.  MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


Fighting Disease

AMDA (Acid Maltase Difficiency Association)

My incredible cousin, Tiffany House, has amazed the medical establishment with her tenacity in her lifelong fight with Pompe's Disease.  Her parent began the Acid Maltase Dificiency Association (AMDA) in 1995 when she was young and now she is president having not only graduated college but also law school.  Please help her help to stamp out this dreadful disease!

Disaster Relief


The American Red Cross is there in times of need for thousands of people every year.  Victims of natural disasters, large and small, and house fires are given aid and support to get through the first days of an emergency.

Abused and Neglected Children


Helping disadvantaged children is a special interest of my wife, Julie.  CASA is a volunteer organization of court appointed special advocates giving a voice to abused and neglected children in the court system.  Please volunteer or donate to save children's lives.  The national organization is the link below.  You can go there to find an office in your area.

Education in the Arts

Good Samaritans

The Good Samaritans support a program that provides free doctors and medical services to the needy.  They are doing tremendous work for the Hill Country area. 


Haven For Hope & SAMMinnistries

I've done and continue to do benefit concerts for the homeless.  Homelessness has reached into all of our lives.  Haven of Hope is transforming lives with its partners like SAMMinistries.  Please get behind both organizations and put a roof over our friends.

Elder Services

Jefferson Outreach for Older People

Jefferson Outreach for Older People provides meals, transportation, groceries, lawn care etc to help the elderly remain in their own homes as long as possible. 

Special Needs

Morgan's Wonderland

Morgan Hartman, the centerpiece for this playground and my friend, has created with her father and their Gordon Hartman Family Foundation the largest amusement park for people with special needs in the world.  There are plans to build more parks around the world with this San Antonio Wonderland as a model.  Please visit, volunteer, or donate!

Education in the Arts

NESA (North East School of the Arts)

This nonprofit organization helped a failing school become one of the finest high schools in the nation. 

Helping the less privileged

Salvation Army

Helping the disadvantage and homeless